The recent times have witnessed a paradigm shift in the education system in the country. The previous challenges have emerged as probable opportunities for the children. The rubs and difficulties which used to hamper the desired growth and development of the children have relented to pave way to excellent opportunities through the intervention of technology, better evolved teaching practices, and higher level of exposure to the students at all the levels and in all the directions. The city of Ujjain was somehow lagging behind and we decided to bridge the gap.Nar Narayan Shiksha Samiti, hence decided to bring the rich legacy of the best educational concept to the holy city of Ujjain, and hence it joined hands with Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi. DPS, Ujjain not only follows the norm of DPS Society that states “Service Before Self” but has firmly decided to Preserve Sacredness of Real Education in the Sacred City.

You will soon find several initiatives to become an integral part of the schooling here, which will play an instrumental role in the growth and development of each and every individual. We strive for and will deliver the Best!

Dr. Sakshi Sharma
Nar Narayan Shiksha Samiti

What we simply appreciate about the broad vision of Delhi Public School Society is that it has already gifted over 200 quality educational establishments in the form of Delhi Public Schools located in different parts of the country and the world, but there is not even a single trace of complacency. The passion to contribute better than existing and compassion towards providing the best to the students are unparallel and exhibited by the Society during all the occasions.

Nar Narayan Shiksha Samiti, when formed, had a clear vision of bringing quality and contemporary education in Ujjain. The Samiti members decided to translate the vision into reality and we found Delhi Public School Society, New Delhi as the best partners in this drive.

Our team is working relentlessly to bring the best of academics, sports, and co-curricular activities to the teachers and students and I can vividly visualize that the outcomes will be phenomenal.

We seek your support and leap of faith in us!

Dr. Siddharth Sood
DPS Ujjain